Improving the end-to-end user experience

Product Design
UX Design
Responsive Web Design
Design System
Usability Testing
User Research
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Inspire Clean Energy

Kathryn LaPann
Lead Product Designer
Cassie Huck
Senior Product Designer
Tommy Lisiak
Product Manager
Anand Patel
Senior Engineer
Megan Ratto
Julie Budd
Senior Analyst
Increase conversion rates of new customers through the online sign-up funnel.
Improve the quality of information provided throughout the funnel to reduce call and chat volume.
Develop a global design system with customizable component blocks to facilitate rapid iteration and site enhancements.
My Role
Developed global design system and component library alongside product designer Cassie Huck. Led the effort to test and iterate on the sign-up funnel to optimize conversions and page content.


Update the sign up funnel
Update Funnel Page design to provide more information on Inspire services and make Plan Cards more clear. We used this opportunity to update and document the design system to be more cohesive going forward.
Create Abandoned Cart Interstitials
Add touch points with customers who drop off in the funnel. Create an Abandoned Cart experience  for email and web.
Improve customer retention
Create a Referral Reward Program (using the 3rd party tool Extole) to connect with users after they sign up and increase new customer conversions that stick.
HomePage 2.0
Funnel Page 1.0
Funnel Page 1.5

Test Results

Most users would prefer to see all plans on one page without needing to click through a carousel.
Opportunity: Try stacking plan cards vertically.
How it works
Users are consistently asking how clean electricity works.
Opportunity: Include more content around how exactly Inspire empowers customers to add clean energy to the grid. Consider including some content around RECs and how they work.
Most users are looking for more explicit content around pricing, and how Inspire stacks up against other energy solutions.
Opportunity: Include a table to compare Inspire’s clean energy plans against standard utility and solar solutions.
Terminology is not clear between subscription and pay-per-use plans. Many users are left wondering what the final cost will be for their household, after promotional rates.
Opportunity: Omit the use of the words “contract” and “fixed rate”.
Funnel Page 2.0



Address entry ratesitewide


Plan selection increased 19% MoM


Volume of orders increased by 29% MoM